Do you have a Disaster Plan for your family? Don’t forget to prepare for your pets! Forgetting to include your furry friends in your disaster plans can quickly turn into the worst case scenario. Here are some helpful insights and essentials to help you prepare and pack for your pets.

Disaster Planning Checklists
How to Prepare
- Update Microchip
- Choose a trusted contact and alternate caregiver
- Store vet information in your phone
- Secure photos of your pet
- Print copies of pet medical records (Bonus if you get them emailed to you or laminated.)
- Identify and record information of local shelters.
Practice Makes Perfect
- Practice finding shelter quickly with your animals.
- Practice catching your animals, if necessary.
- Secure all pets in safe crates or by leash.
- Prepare an evacuation route.
- Make sure all members of your household know the plan and where the supplies are located.
Prepare a “Grab & Go” Bag
Keep a bag filled with at least a five-day supply of these essential pet supplies, in a readily accessible area.
- Sealed or water tight pet food
- Feeding bowls
- Bottled water
- Pet medications
- Leash
- Pet toys
- Current pet photos
- Litter box / waste bags
- List of trusted contacts