We wouldn’t be here without her vision, guidance, and decades of hard work at the Capitol on behalf of our sister organization, Texas Humane Legislation Network.
Our Board of Directors and staff would like to express just how grateful they are to finally see all of the important education programs come to life across the state with your support and donations.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today at texashumanenetwork.org/donate- now/
A special thank you is also owed to our outstanding sponsors of the 2022 Texas Humane Gala.
Presenting Sponsor
Jack Knox
Platinum Sponsors:
Mary & Skip Trimble
Jan Richey & Tom Lamphere

Gold Sponsors:
Janice McGarrah
Ruth Chambers
Mary Spencer

Silver Sponsors:
Rob & Terri Palleschi
Gray Schrupp & Associates PLLC

Bronze Sponsors:
Cindy & Mark Boling
Cheryl Martinez